E iniziamo con La VaLLe DeL CaNTaSToRie, Eddie Santillo FaN cLuB : una bellissima sim che il nostro grande amico e testimonial condivide con PiCCoLì Dada Mhia e con Torno Kohime Foundation di Tani Thor, Aloisio Congrejo e molti altri amici.

Qui sembra infatti di aggirarsi in un paesaggio magico e fantasy: splendido il giardino incantato con i fiori giganti, il villaggio medievale con la piazza per i concerti... l'immenso castello e la foresta, dove trova posto anche una bella locanda con lo shop degli oggetti per le donazioni al Kenya.
Una terra che merita una visita lunga e accurata!
*** Here we begin the presentation of the partners Lands of "Harambee Gwassi-Kenya" project in Second Life, that expose our fundraiser Tip Jar for Brownsea NGO Foundation and often the shop with items sale for the solidarity purpose :-)
And we start with the La VaLLe DeL CaNTaSToRie, Eddie Santillo FaN cLuB: a beautiful sim that our great friend and Testimonial shares with PiCCoLì Dada Mhia and Torno Kohime Foundation of Tani Thor, Aloisio Congrejo and many other friends.
Eddie Santillo (eddieguitardagger.sheryffe) tells us: The Storyteller Valley is a place where you can relax while listening to good music .. from swing to rock through the new age. Seat of the Eddie Santillo fan club in sl, it hides many photographic areas immersed in the green of its forests and meadows and in the blue of its waters. The sky instead hides the modern part of the Valley's: the beautiful Rock and Roll Motodrome. There seems to wander in a magic and fantasy landscape: the beautiful enchanted garden with giant flowers, the medieval village with the square for Live Concerts ... the immense castle and the forest, where there is also a beautiful Shop with items for donations to Kenya.
A land that is worth a long and careful visit!
*** Here we begin the presentation of the partners Lands of "Harambee Gwassi-Kenya" project in Second Life, that expose our fundraiser Tip Jar for Brownsea NGO Foundation and often the shop with items sale for the solidarity purpose :-)
And we start with the La VaLLe DeL CaNTaSToRie, Eddie Santillo FaN cLuB: a beautiful sim that our great friend and Testimonial shares with PiCCoLì Dada Mhia and Torno Kohime Foundation of Tani Thor, Aloisio Congrejo and many other friends.
Eddie Santillo (eddieguitardagger.sheryffe) tells us: The Storyteller Valley is a place where you can relax while listening to good music .. from swing to rock through the new age. Seat of the Eddie Santillo fan club in sl, it hides many photographic areas immersed in the green of its forests and meadows and in the blue of its waters. The sky instead hides the modern part of the Valley's: the beautiful Rock and Roll Motodrome. There seems to wander in a magic and fantasy landscape: the beautiful enchanted garden with giant flowers, the medieval village with the square for Live Concerts ... the immense castle and the forest, where there is also a beautiful Shop with items for donations to Kenya.
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