Eccezionale serata quella del 19 luglio 2015 a favore del Progetto Harambee Gwassi Kenya: una performance della Pixel Fusion Band, gruppo musicale in SL ed anche in RL.
La Pixel Fusion Band è composta da Enricob Yamdev, tastiere / pianoforte, Felicity Fromund (SammyJo) alle percussioni, e Fuzzy Coleslaw (Odette) al basso, chitarra e tastiere. Enrico è il compositore / arrangiatore per tutta la musica del trio, compone anche balletti e opere quando non scrive per i tour della band. Il trio ha sede a Parigi ma si esibisce in tutta Europa.
La Pixel Fusion Band coniuga gli stili tipici del jazz ad una strumentazione rock dove gli strumenti elettrici, le tastiere e la strumentazione elettronica in generale hanno un ruolo predominante nel determinare il suono che esprime tutta la passione della band per la loro musica in cui linee tipicamente funk tendono a sostituirsi ai più tradizionali accompagnamenti jazz. Grande afflusso di pubblico ha apprezzato l'alta qualità del concerto dal vivo ed ha offerto donazioni di 16.000 L$ per il progetto HARAMBEE Gwassi Kenya. Un sentito ringraziamento per l'organizzazione alla manager Morakot, ad Elke Andel per l'allestimento, a Dr Hotaling per gli effetti scenografici.
Qui il video della serata a cura di Lotrec Oh.
Exceptional evening that on 19th July 2015 in favor of Harambee Gwassi Kenya Project : a performance of the Pixel Fusion Band, a band either in SL and in RL.
Pixel Fusion Band is composed of Enricob Yamdev, keyboards / piano, Felicity Fromund (SammyJo) on percussion and Fuzzy Coleslaw (Odette) on bass, guitar and keyboards. Enricob is the composer / arranger for the entire trio's music, he also make ballets and operas when it writes for the band's tour. The trio is based in Paris but it performs throughout Europe.
Pixel Fusion Band combines the typical styles of jazz to rock instrumentation where electric instruments, keyboards and electronic products in general have a predominant role in determining the sound that expresses the passion of the band for their music where lines typically funk tending to replace more traditional jazz accompaniment. Large number of visitors appreciated the high quality of the live concert and offered L$ 16,000 in donations for the project HARAMBEE Gwassi Kenya. A big thanks to the organization manager Morakot, to Elke Andel for the implementation and Dr. Hotaling for scenic effects.
Here the video of the evening by Lotrec Oh.
Exceptional evening that on 19th July 2015 in favor of Harambee Gwassi Kenya Project : a performance of the Pixel Fusion Band, a band either in SL and in RL.
Pixel Fusion Band is composed of Enricob Yamdev, keyboards / piano, Felicity Fromund (SammyJo) on percussion and Fuzzy Coleslaw (Odette) on bass, guitar and keyboards. Enricob is the composer / arranger for the entire trio's music, he also make ballets and operas when it writes for the band's tour. The trio is based in Paris but it performs throughout Europe.
Pixel Fusion Band combines the typical styles of jazz to rock instrumentation where electric instruments, keyboards and electronic products in general have a predominant role in determining the sound that expresses the passion of the band for their music where lines typically funk tending to replace more traditional jazz accompaniment. Large number of visitors appreciated the high quality of the live concert and offered L$ 16,000 in donations for the project HARAMBEE Gwassi Kenya. A big thanks to the organization manager Morakot, to Elke Andel for the implementation and Dr. Hotaling for scenic effects.
Here the video of the evening by Lotrec Oh.
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