In Agosto 2010 inizierà il grande TOUR MUSICALE "ROCK 4 KENYA": una lunga serie di appuntamenti unici di EddieGuitar Dagger Sheryffe dedicati al Progetto di autosviluppo Harambee Gwassi-Kenya (per la raccolta fondi per l'asilo e la scuola per ragazzi disabili a Nyandiwa) che toccherà moltissime SIM!
EddieGuitar Dagger Sheryffe is a Real guitarist with twenty years of experience (awards for best guitarist International Festival of the emerging international competition) and he realized in SL more than 1000 concerts in SL! He will play in "ROCK 4 KENYA TOUR" that start July 1-2010 : Don't miss this unique event , dedicated to self-development Project "Harambee Gwassi-Kenya" (fundraising for kindergarten and school for disabled children).