Welcome n Bunny Isles for Kenya!

Welcome! Since 2008 'Bunny Isles for Kenya' in Second Life is dedicated to fundraising for "IKSDP-Harambee Project Gwassi Kenya" of IKSDP-Harambee Project non-profit Association. Here: appointment schedule, news, photos & report of fundraising!
Benvenuti! Dal 2008 il gruppo 'Bunny Isles for Kenya' in Second Life Γ¨ dedicato alla raccolta fondi per le scuole "IKSDP-Harambee Project Gwassi Kenya" - IKSDP-Harambee Project ONLUS. Qui: calendario degli eventi, novitΓ , foto e il diario dei fondi raccolti!

lunedì 2 agosto 2021

August 2021 Hunts

  *✿* August 2021 Hunts: visit us 'Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop' *✿*

🎁 Exclusive GROUP GIFT:

🎁 Fabfree gift:

🌞 Around The Grid 9 Hunt (july 13-Sept 30)

hint: Fashion little store Chalk Sign

🌞 DLS - Elemental Desire hunt (july 25-Aug 25)
F hint: Jewelry shop Chalk Sign

M hint: DONATIONS African Tip Jar
25L hint: Hanging Bird House

🌞Work Me Out Hunt

hint: Under the Wedding & Party Shop sign
🌞 Friend of Foe Hunt 6.0
hint: Tourist PostCards!
🌞 *Summer Party Hunt
hint: Love words FP!
🌞 Save the Sea 2 hunt ♡彑♥ All Hints-LMs-PICs
hint 1) the 'Seasonal Fair & hunt' road
hint 2) Shabby Chic 'Cacao Paris' Counter
hint 3) 'Welcome carpet'!
🌞 Back to School Hunt 5
Hint: Tree Stump to clear cache
🌞 Too Glam To Give a Damn! (Aug 7-31)
hint: Group And Free Gifts Stand!
🌞 MMM Harvesting Hope Hunt (Aug 8-28)
hint: Display FabFree Group Gift (PIC soon)

L&L for harambee HINT: Under the Beach & Fun Shop sign!


Hint: Save the Koalas TIP JAR!

🌞 See you next month!
☆ Loredana Loring, Lotrec Oh & Bunny Isles for Kenya  Staff ☆