Welcome n Bunny Isles for Kenya!

Welcome! Since 2008 'Bunny Isles for Kenya' in Second Life is dedicated to fundraising for "IKSDP-Harambee Project Gwassi Kenya" of IKSDP-Harambee Project non-profit Association. Here: appointment schedule, news, photos & report of fundraising!
Benvenuti! Dal 2008 il gruppo 'Bunny Isles for Kenya' in Second Life รจ dedicato alla raccolta fondi per le scuole "IKSDP-Harambee Project Gwassi Kenya" - IKSDP-Harambee Project ONLUS. Qui: calendario degli eventi, novitร , foto e il diario dei fondi raccolti!

domenica 1 maggio 2022

May Hunts 2022

✿ The month of flowers is back! Let's celebrate with great prizes in our Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop!  They are amazing!
Don't miss to find our Month's gifts and those offered by our designers in the "Magical Spring Fair & Hunt". You'll have lots of fun ;-) Here the Prizes Gallery available until end of month.

๐ŸŽ Exclusive GROUP GIFT:

๐ŸŽ Fabfree gift:

๐ŸŽFree Group gift:

๐ŸŒป The Pre-Historic Hunt
hint: On the Rainbow lilac Bench!
๐ŸŒป Flower Hunt
hint: Elegant gold wallpaper!
๐ŸŒป Lunch Date Hunt
hint: Floating Paper Boats!
๐ŸŒป Remembering You 5
hint: Tree Stump to clear cache!
๐ŸŒป Flower's time Hunt 3 Gallery
1) Where is the Seasonal Fair & hunt road!
2) GD for Harambee hint: In the Basket*!
3) Popcorn Machine!
๐ŸŒป Bee Beautiful Hunt
hint 1: Play the Talking Drums!
hint 2: Baskets of spices!
๐ŸŒป CMH High Tides & Good Vibes 2  
hint: On the Store Display Gift group
๐ŸŒป The Full Perm Event
hint: Searching 50% off

See you next month!
☆ Loredana Loring, Lotrec Oh & Bunny Isles for Kenya  Staff ☆