Welcome n Bunny Isles for Kenya!

Welcome! Since 2008 'Bunny Isles for Kenya' in Second Life is dedicated to fundraising for "IKSDP-Harambee Project Gwassi Kenya" of IKSDP-Harambee Project non-profit Association. Here: appointment schedule, news, photos & report of fundraising!
Benvenuti! Dal 2008 il gruppo 'Bunny Isles for Kenya' in Second Life è dedicato alla raccolta fondi per le scuole "IKSDP-Harambee Project Gwassi Kenya" - IKSDP-Harambee Project ONLUS. Qui: calendario degli eventi, novità, foto e il diario dei fondi raccolti!

venerdì 1 gennaio 2021

January 2021 Hunts

⁂ The first month of 2021 is full of magic - we hope the new year is full of warmth and friendship! Get ready to seek out the new prizes in our Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop! Don't miss to find our Month's gifts and those offered by our designers in the MagicWinter Harambee Charity Fair... You'll have lots of fun ;-) ⁂
❄️ Here the Prizes Gallery available until end of month!

❄️  Special Fair Events & gifts ❄️
↠ Exclusive GROUP GIFT & Month's gift (check GIFTs for friends too!)
Eventmarket  - LOVE IS IN THE AIR 2021 50% special offers !
MagicWinter Harambee Charity Fair Many offers for all until January  17th]: Home and garden, fashion, full perm, decors... part or all of the sales amount go to fundraising our IKSDP-Harambee Project Schools in Kenya. Gifts and... Look for the Roking Unicorns !!! Special: Save the Koalas sale (all the proceeds are donated to the to support WWF for the fire emergency in Australia and Save the Koalas).

Snow & Goth Hunt (until jan 6th)
Hint: Search the Xmas Train with Elves
Hint: Wine Cart with giver
Hint: Rolled rugs

Multicolors Hunt (start Jan 8th)
Hint: Searching group gift
Hint: Heart Pool Multisit
Hint: 3 african pots
Let is snow
Hint: DONATIONS African Tip Jar!
Bubbles, Bubbles Hunt
Hint: *HEXtraordinary* Cozy Dragonet!
MMM Brighter Beginnings Hunt
Hint: Near the Hunt Kiosk
January Hunt
Hint: Liberty Floor Lamp!
Glitz & Glam Hunt
Hint: soon
Dirty Little Secret Sin City 4th
Hints: soon
See you next month!
☆ Loredana Loring, Lotrec Oh & Bunny Isles for Kenya  Staff ☆