★ April 2020 Hunts 'Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop' ★
✿ April, the romantic month of spring is here ... come and discover the new hidden gifts in our Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop: they are amazing! Don't miss to find our Month's gifts and those offered by our designers in: 'All together for Italy' Harambee Charity Fair + Hunt Take care of yourself and those you love. Have fun and smile ;-)
Here the Prizes Gallery available until end of month.
✿ Aprile, romantico mese primaverile è qui... vieni a scoprire i nuovi premi nascosti nel nostro Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop: sono fantastici! Non dimenticare di prendere i regali del mese e quelli offerti dai nostri designer in: 'All together for Italy' Harambee Charity Fair + Hunt
Abbi cura di te e di quelli che ami. Divertiti e sorridi ;-) Qui la Galleria fotografica dei premi disponibili fino alla fine del mese.
✿ Special Fair Events ✿
↠ ↠ ↠ Save the Koalas Special Event
Sale to support the fire emergency in Australia and Save the Koalas (donation to WWF)
✿ DLS The darkness inside hunt
Hint M/unisex: It's a big cocktail or a swimming pool?
Hint F: Relax under the Arab tent!
Hint 25: Near the Donations for children IKSDP-Harambee Project
Suggerimento M/Unisex: E' un grande Cocktail o una piscina?
Suggerimento F: Relax sotto la tenda araba!
Suggerimento 25L: vicino alla TipJar Donations for children IKSDP-Harambee Project
✿ World Tour 2020 hunt
Hint M Unisex: Next to Acorn Teapot
Hint F: Africa Sign is here!
Suggerimento M: accanto all'Acorn Teapot
Suggerimento F: Il cartello Africa è qui!
✿ Easter Hunt
Hint: Searching the Elf Lamp
✿ Honey Funny Bunny Hunt
Hint: I rest in the Chocolates Store ...
✿ Spring Foolery Hunt 5
Hint: Where is the Barrel with Agaves!
Suggerimento: Dov'è il barile con le Agavi
✿ The Evil Bunny Hunt 10
Hint: Drink something from the Wine Cart with giver
Suggerimento: Bevi qualcosa dal Wine Cart with giver
✿ Surprise Hunt
Hint: Harambee Display lands sale Sign!
Hint: On the Market Straw baskets
Suggerimento: Guarda l'Harambee Display lands sale Sign!
Suggerimento: Sul Market Straw baskets
✿ Down the Rabbit Hole Hunt
Hint: Where is the SAVE THE KOALAS TIP JAR (WWF)
Suggerimento: Dove vedi la SAVE THE KOALAS TIP JAR (WWF)
See you next month! Arrivederci al mese prossimo!
☆ Loredana Loring, Lotrec Oh & Bunny Isles for Kenya Staff ☆
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