•:*´¨Grande EXPO per i 10 anni di SL !!! ¨`*:•.
Dal 16 giugno al 29 giugno 2013
Dal 16 giugno al 29 giugno 2013
"Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Project" di Bunny Isles for Kenya e tutti i Partner del progetto si uniscono per festeggiare il 10° compleanno della Community di Second Life e partecipano al grande EXPO di SL10B !
Visitate la nostra esposizione !
Venite a scoprire i regali offerti da ogni partner del progetto Harambee e anche il nostro, un nuovissimo SET di GIOIELLI AFRICANI uomo/donna per SL10B !
Venite a scoprire i regali offerti da ogni partner del progetto Harambee e anche il nostro, un nuovissimo SET di GIOIELLI AFRICANI uomo/donna per SL10B !
Vi aspettiamo tutti e con molti amici.
Loredana & Lotrec e lo Staff di Bunny Isles for Kenya
**I Partner del Progetto Harambee:
☆ANTIPATIK Station ☆Neverland - free Michael Jackson Tribute
☆*Vivico' Design* best Cartoons in Secon Life
☆*Vivico' Design* best Cartoons in Secon Life
☆Art & Lighting ☆Au Divin Plaisir ☆CRYOGEN-BLOOD
☆Deja-Vu ..:Gentlemen's Club
☆Deja-Vu ..:Gentlemen's Club
☆Discreet Waters Mall - Discret Desires Club & Fashion design
☆Dubai Jazz * My Way ☆*DuDemon* ☆*EdizioniVolando*
☆FLECHA Creations ☆Giulia Design ☆LA LUNA NEL POZZO
☆La Valle Del Cantastorie ☆Maryva Mayo Art Gallery
☆*.:MoonBeam:.* ☆.::Pentagono::
☆{PhotoLook} ☆*RoMa*La DoLcE vItA*
☆*.:MoonBeam:.* ☆.::Pentagono::
☆{PhotoLook} ☆*RoMa*La DoLcE vItA*
☆SaliMar ☆SARDIGNA ☆Solo Donna Club ☆"Torno Kohime Foundation”
☆YDEA by Bell Frayar & Paolo
The biggest party celebration the Second Life community
.•:*´¨SLB Exhibit!!! ¨`*:•. From June 16th – June 29th, 2013
The biggest party celebration the Second Life community
"Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Project" & Bunny Isles for Kenya with All Partners of Project come together to celebrate the 10th birthday of the community of Second Life and participate in the great EXPO SL10B!
The theme of SL10B is ‘Looking forward, Looking back.’ Where we've been; what we've achieved; where we're now, our future goals and dreams.
**"Harambee Gwassi-Kenya' Project Partners:
☆ANTIPATIK Station ☆Neverland - free Michael Jackson Tribute
☆*Vivico' Design* best Cartoons in Secon Life
☆Art & Lighting ☆Au Divin Plaisir ☆CRYOGEN-BLOOD
☆Deja-Vu ..:Gentlemen's Club
☆Discreet Waters Mall - Discret Desires Club & Fashion design
☆Dubai Jazz * My Way ☆*DuDemon* ☆*EdizioniVolando*
☆FLECHA Creations ☆Giulia Design ☆LA LUNA NEL POZZO
☆La Valle Del Cantastorie ☆Maryva Mayo Art Gallery
☆*.:MoonBeam:.* ☆.::Pentagono::
☆{PhotoLook} ☆*RoMa*La DoLcE vItA*
☆SaliMar ☆SARDIGNA ☆Solo Donna Club ☆"Torno Kohime Foundation”
☆YDEA by Bell Frayar & Paolo

What theme could be more suitable to our project and to see the new photos the state of play in Kenya?
Come to discover the gifts of each Project Partner and also our present: the new JEWELRY AFRICAN SET for SL10B!
We are waiting with many friends!!! Harambee!
* Loredana & Lotrec & Bunny Isles for Kenya Staff
**"Harambee Gwassi-Kenya' Project Partners:
☆ANTIPATIK Station ☆Neverland - free Michael Jackson Tribute
☆*Vivico' Design* best Cartoons in Secon Life
☆Art & Lighting ☆Au Divin Plaisir ☆CRYOGEN-BLOOD
☆Deja-Vu ..:Gentlemen's Club
☆Discreet Waters Mall - Discret Desires Club & Fashion design
☆Dubai Jazz * My Way ☆*DuDemon* ☆*EdizioniVolando*
☆FLECHA Creations ☆Giulia Design ☆LA LUNA NEL POZZO
☆La Valle Del Cantastorie ☆Maryva Mayo Art Gallery
☆*.:MoonBeam:.* ☆.::Pentagono::
☆{PhotoLook} ☆*RoMa*La DoLcE vItA*
☆SaliMar ☆SARDIGNA ☆Solo Donna Club ☆"Torno Kohime Foundation”
☆YDEA by Bell Frayar & Paolo
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