Dal 2010 sono stati versati 6700 Euro alla fondazione Brownsea, utilizzati per ricostruire la scuola di Kitawa e successivamente per altre attività educative: attualmente l'obiettivo è migliorare la Biblioteca per bambini e ragazzi.
Un altro obiettivo raggiunto grazie alla costante collaborazione di gruppi e land Partner che ci sostengono organizzando eventi artistici e culturali. Nel corso dell'anno si sono susseguite Sfilate di moda, Concerti Live o animati da DJ, serate a tema, Mostre d'Arte, Eventi culturali e Cacce al Tesoro, attirando molto pubblico e tanti amici fedeli, con notevoli donazioni per ogni evento. A questo va aggiunto il ricavato dalle vendite nel mercato Harambee di 'Bunny isles e nel MarketPlace, dove abbiamo tre negozi.
Senza contare l'informazione che viene diffusa su un vasto numero di persone, che così sostengono le attività del progetto anche direttamente, tramite versamenti bancari e la donazione del 5 x 1000 nella dichiarazione dei redditi.
GRAZIE AMICI ! ANDIAMO AVANTI INSIEME, pole pole, piano piano, con i tempi lenti dell'Africa: un passo alla volta, il poco diventa MOLTO !!!
** At the end of December 2015 we donated 1250 euros for IKSDP Harambee Schools: another goal reached which brings us to continue with passion to raise additional funds.
The fundamental resource is the constant collaboration with Italian and foreign friends, groups and land-partners that support us organizing artistic and cultural events. During the year follow each other Fashion Shows, Concerts Live or animated by DJs, theme nights, Art Exhibits, Cultural events and Treasure Hunts attracting much public and many true friends, with significant donations for each evening.
Since 2010 have been paid 6.700 euros to the Brownsea NGO Foundation, used to reconstruct the Kitawa schools and then for other educational activities that go with success! Currently aim is to improve the Library for children and students.
To this must be added the proceeds from the sales in the market of Harambee 'Bunny isles and in MarketPlace, where we have three stores. In addition the project information is disseminated on a large number of people, so that support the activities of the project directly, through bank transfers and the donation of 5 x 1000 in the Italian tax return.
THANK YOU to all friends who help us and support us: we'll continue to work together, Harambee!
The fundamental resource is the constant collaboration with Italian and foreign friends, groups and land-partners that support us organizing artistic and cultural events. During the year follow each other Fashion Shows, Concerts Live or animated by DJs, theme nights, Art Exhibits, Cultural events and Treasure Hunts attracting much public and many true friends, with significant donations for each evening.
To this must be added the proceeds from the sales in the market of Harambee 'Bunny isles and in MarketPlace, where we have three stores. In addition the project information is disseminated on a large number of people, so that support the activities of the project directly, through bank transfers and the donation of 5 x 1000 in the Italian tax return.
THANK YOU to all friends who help us and support us: we'll continue to work together, Harambee!
Grazie mille a tutti gli amici di SL da parte mia, della Fondazione Brownsea e dello staff del Progetto IKSDP-Harambee Gwassi Kenya